Wednesday 10 February 2016

Why the pigeons fly away...

It’s a wet day. I mean it’s raining. There may be a number of ways how you people would interpret the initial line but it always meant that it was raining! Life is simple with me, with us. We have less words to speak, but more to understand without them. It’s good to know that our language and the way we communicate hasn’t yet been deciphered like every other; we feel glad but don’t brag about it in ways like “Ours is the most complicated language to communicate with” and all like you all but let’s not talk about that all.

Mom says I shouldn’t go out today. It’s raining heavily you know. The wind is blowing fiercely, feels like uncle Fred is hungry at night and yelling for some food. He’s like an owl you know, always awake at nights. Mom says it’s highly unhealthy and one needs sunrays to digest ones food and absorb available vitamins from it, all the elderly say so but he doesn’t listen and is asleep throughout the day. Yet he’s well so I’m beginning to doubt what the elderly are saying but I dare not question them at this very young age, they can go pretty mad. I’ll just have to stay quiet and listen to what all they are saying and remember it and one day when I’m old enough, I’ll figure it out all by myself. Also I too am afraid to go out today by myself as usually my dad drops me to the play ground where I play with my friends but he’s stuck today at Uncle Lynn’s place due to the heavy rain. He was free today and so he went over to his place saying he’d be back till evening but he couldn’t now as the weather has turned upside down! It was hot and shiny when he left and now, it’s dark with frequent lightening within the clouds occasionally showing a dark purple colour of the clouds that I could see through the front door of our house. Actually there is no door, it's just an entrance! Many a times the lightening even managed to penetrate through the clouds and kissed the grounds making huge noise scaring the shit out of me but my mom assured me that we were safe in our old, short and huge house. She says that the things that are tall are frequently hit by lightening and as our house it not so tall, we have less to worry about the lightening striking and frying us. Was that to calm me down? I think that she intended to, but it freaked me out knowing that people who are struck by lightning are fried!